A Unitholder entitled to attend the meeting and vote is entitled to appoint up to two proxies to attend and vote instead
of him; a proxy need not be a Unitholder. The instrument appointing the proxy or proxies (a form is enclosed) must be
deposited with B.A.C.S. Private Limited, the Unit Registrar, at its office at 63 Cantonment Road, Singapore 089758 not
less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting.
Explanatory Notes:
Resolution 3
The Manager’s rationale in seeking the Ordinary Resolution 3 is to provide it with the flexibility to transact any potential
value adding and yield accretive acquisition opportunities or, any asset enhancement initiatives, without incurring
additional expense in having to go back to Unitholders from time to time, for their approval. The competitive real estate
landscape may require equity funds to be raised promptly and efficiently for these purposes, otherwise, the Manager
may be at a disadvantage to transact ordinary business opportunities relative to its competitors.
For determining the aggregate number of Units that may be issued, the percentage of issued Units will be calculated
based on the issue Units at the time the Ordinary Resolution 3 above is passed, after adjusting for new Units arising
from the conversion or exercise of any instruments which are outstanding at the time this Resolution is passed and any
subsequent bonus issue, consolidated or subdivision of Units.
Fund raising by issuance of new Units may be required in instances of property acquisitions, debt repayments or other
similar permitted transactions. If the approval of Unitholders is required under the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST and the
Trust Deed or any applicable laws and regulations in any such instances, the Manager will then obtain the approval of
Unitholders accordingly.
Important Notice
The value of units in CIT (“Units”) and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Units are not investments
or deposits in, liabilities or obligations of, Cambridge Industrial Trust Management Limited (“Manager”), RBC Investor
Services Trust Singapore Limited (in its capacity as trustee of CIT) (“Trustee”), or any of their respective related corporations
and affiliates (including but not limited to National Australia Bank Limited, nablnvest Capital Partners Pty Limited, or
other members of the National Australia Bank group) and their affiliates (individually and collectively “Affiliates”).
An investment in Units is subject to equity investment risk, including the possible delays in repayment and loss of
income or the principal amount invested. Neither CIT, the Manager, the Trustee nor any of the Affiliates guarantees the
repayment of any principal amount invested, the performance of CIT, any particular rate of return from investing in
CIT, or any taxation consequences of an investment in CIT. Any indication of CIT performance returns is historical and
cannot be relied on as an indicator of future performance.
Investors have no right to request that the Manager redeem or purchase their Units while the Units are listed. It is
intended that investors may only deal in their Units through trading on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
(the “SGX-ST”). Listing of the Units on the SGX-ST does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units.